If you need to bring a project to life with special effects, please send an email with your project details.

Regular commissions include:

Creature Design | Special FX Makeup | Prosthetics | Costume Design | Props | Sculpture for Prosthetics |

On Set SFX | Mask Design


Below are some things that are helpful to know about your project:

Number of items needed

Deadline: A realistic date for completion. This helps to establish when each stage will need to be completed by.

Context: Referencing a script or listing how the work will be used will help to outline the purpose and audience so the work created is relevant.

Style examples: Referencing artwork examples to show what sort of result you are hoping to achieve is helpful. Some clients are very open and others are very specific.

Use: Each job is quoted based on the type of use and how widely projects are viewed or reproduced. Specifying the type of use and number of uses enables jobs to be quoted accordingly, such as:

• Private use: Original sculpts, costumes, make up where no commercial use or reproduction is required.

• Commercial use: Any use that will be featured in a commercial, television or film

Got questions? Get in touch!